school security window film orlando

Orlando School Security Window Film

In today’s world, the safety and security of students and teachers have become paramount concerns for educational institutions. Schools in Orlando face a unique set of challenges, particularly in light of recent instances of gun violence that have shaken our community. At Orlando Window Film, we understand the urgent need for effective security solutions, which is why we offer high-quality school security window film in Orlando. Our security film options provide additional response time and act as a deterrent, allowing students and teachers to evacuate safely in the event of an emergency.

orlando school security film

Security Concerns for Schools in Orlando

In Orlando, as well as the state of Florida, the rise in active shooter incidents in schools has raised significant security concerns. In response to a tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018, where 17 lives were lost due to a former student opening fire, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act was passed. This legislation aimed to address the pressing need for improved school security measures. Recent developments in 2023 further intensified concerns, when a post threatening a school shooting targeting Lake Mary High School began circulating on social media. These incidents underscore the critical importance of implementing effective security measures to ensure the safety of students and staff.

Enhancing Response Time and Delaying Intruders

When it comes to protecting schools, every second counts. Security window film can significantly increase response time, providing precious moments for evacuation and emergency response teams to intervene. By delaying intruders, security film creates a vital barrier that can make a life-saving difference.

security film orlando schools

Orlando School Security Film Options

To cater to the diverse needs of Orlando schools, we offer a range of security film options, each with its own set of features and benefits:

Basic Security Film: Strengthening Window Glass Economically

Our basic security film is an economical option for schools seeking to reinforce their window glass. This single layer of standard security film is applied to the interior of the glass, providing an approximate increase in response time of 30 seconds to 1 minute. Despite its affordability, basic security film offers a significant improvement in security measures.

Premium Security Film: Durability and Tear-Resistance

Our premium security film is made with advanced carbon fiber, cross-weave technology, ensuring durability and tear-resistance. With a single layer of premium security film applied to the interior of the glass, response time can be increased by approximately 30 seconds to 3 minutes. For optimal results, we recommend the use of an anchoring system with this option.

ballistic resistant window film orlando schools

Dual Premium Security Film (Interior & Exterior): Enhancing Protection for Dual-Pane Glazing

Recommended for schools with dual-pane glazing, our dual premium security film provides enhanced protection by applying a layer of premium security film to both the interior and exterior of the glass. This comprehensive solution, combined with an anchoring system, aims to increase response time by approximately 3 minutes or more. By fortifying both sides of the glass, schools can enjoy greater peace of mind.

Bomb Blast Resistant Film: Flexibility and Shatter Resistance

For schools seeking increased flexibility and shatter resistance, our bomb blast resistant film is an ideal choice. Available for both single and dual-pane applications, this premium security window film, combined with an anchoring system, aims to protect against the devastating impact of explosive blasts. For optimal results, we recommend applying this film to both the interior and exterior of the glass.

Ballistic Resistant Security Film: Strengthening Glass Against Ballistic Threats

Designed to protect against crimes committed with 9mm handguns or below, our ballistic resistant security film offers an advanced level of security. Featuring thicker window glass, a specialized priming agent, and three layers of security film, this option significantly increases response time and ballistic resistance. While it is not suitable for assault rifles, it provides substantial protection against smaller firearms. For maximum effectiveness, we recommend applying this film to both the interior and exterior of the glass.

orlando security system school

Important Factors for Schools to Consider

When considering security film solutions, schools must take several crucial factors into account to ensure comprehensive protection:

Single or Double-Pane Windows: Increasing Response Time

The type of window glass plays a significant role in response time. Single-pane glass is more vulnerable, and therefore, we recommend a double layer of security film for these windows. By fortifying the glass, schools can effectively increase response time and gain valuable moments for evacuation.

Side Doors and Points of Entry: Extending Security Measures

While main entrance doors are typically the primary focus, it is crucial to extend security measures to side doors, back doors, sidelights, and other points of entry. Intruders often exploit vulnerabilities in less-frequented areas, making it essential to fortify all potential access points.

Interior/Exterior Locking Doors: Enhancing Effectiveness

To enhance security measures, both sets of doors, including interior and exterior locking doors, should be coated with security film. This approach ensures comprehensive protection and is particularly important for schools with automatically locking mechanisms.

Protection for Front Desk: Facilitating Immediate Lockdown

The front desk area serves as a critical hub for school security. By prioritizing the protection of this area, schools can facilitate immediate activation of lockdown measures upon threat identification. Reinforcing the glass at the front desk provides an added layer of security for administrative staff.

orlando college school security film

Resources for Orlando Schools

At Orlando Window Film, we strive to provide schools in our community with the necessary resources and information to make informed decisions regarding security film solutions. Here are some resources that can assist schools in understanding and implementing security film:

Legislation on School Security

Stay up-to-date with recent legislation in Orlando concerning school security. Learn about bills passed in response to school shootings and the recommended security measures outlined in these legislative actions. These regulations aim to prioritize the safety of students and staff, emphasizing the importance of implementing effective security solutions:

Florida Security Consultants

Consider engaging the services of security consultants who specialize in evaluating campuses and providing guidance on suitable security film options. Here are some security companies that serve the Orlando area:

security film schools orlando

Bullet Resistant Standards

Educate yourself on bullet-resistant and blast-resistant glass standards. Understand the performance criteria, design elements, and varying levels of protection associated with these standards. This knowledge will empower schools to make informed decisions when selecting security film options. Review the following resources:

Demonstration Videos

Explore our collection of demonstration videos showcasing the effectiveness of security film in deterring armed intruders:

ballistic resistant security film orlando schools

Protect Your Orlando School with Security Window Film

As the threat of gun violence persists, it is imperative for schools in Orlando to prioritize the safety of their students and staff. Security window film offers a practical and effective solution to enhance security measures and provide additional response time during emergencies. Orlando Window Film is committed to helping schools in our community fortify their facilities and create safer learning environments.

To learn more about our security film options or to schedule a consultation, please call Orlando Window Film. Our experienced team is ready to address your school’s unique security needs and provide tailored solutions.